Bucks County Illustrators Society exhibit “Fantasy Tales” at Cabrini University March 15

Cloud Dragon, (c) Piya Wannawaichong
We are happy to announce that Cabrini University in Radnor, PA, has asked BCiS to mount our Fantasy Tales exhibit in their Gorevin Gallery. Our show will run through April 8. We invite the public to join us at the opening reception next Thursday, March 15 from 4:30 – 6:30 pm (it was originally scheduled for earlier in March but the large snowstorm and power failures forced us to change the date). Cabrini University is located at 610 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, PA, and the Gorevin Gallery is in their Holy Spirit Library building. A campus map can be seen HERE,
For the Fantasy Tales theme, each illustrator chose a story or excerpt from a story that has elements of fairy tale, supernatural or fantastical events, and created an illustration to accompany the story. The artwork in Fantasy Tales encompasses a wide range of illustration styles among BCiS illustrators, and varies from traditional media to digital to combinations of both. The stories chosen span classic fairy tales like Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella to a Native American Folk Tale to the epic King Kong saga. BCiS produced a book of the exhibit with the artwork and each illustrator’s biography, available for purchase by emailing BCiS at bcillustrators@gmail.com.
The show includes artwork by Joe DeVito, Glenn Zimmer, James Bennett, Monika Hinterwaldner, Gil Cohen, Katie Maxwell, Joe Kulka, Piya Wannachaiwong, Christina Wannachaiwong, Rich Harrington, Becca Haushalter Klein, Rebecca Rhodin, Marie Thresher, Pam Convery- Hamilton , Dan Fione, Deb Hoeffner, Kim Kurki and Pat Achilles, and the exhibit was coordinated at Cabrini by Jeanne Komp and Nicholas Jacques.
Here are a few other events involving BCiS members coming up:
Etsy Round Table for Artists. Wednesday March 14 from 6:30 to 8 PM at Phoenix Art Supplies & Framing, (1810 S. Easton Rd. Doylestown – they are on Rte 611, just a little north of Edison-Furlong Rd.).
Pat Achilles will lead a free round table discussion on ‘Etsy for Artists’. Pat has had an Etsy shop for my illustrated greeting cards for a while and finds Etsy a low-cost platform for selling art. She’ll begin the meet
ing explaining steps on starting an Etsy shop, so if you are considering creating one you’ll learn the basics.Then she’ll open it up to discussion & questions. The hope is that other artists who do Etsy will attend and share their experiences as well. Phoenix asks you to call to let them know you are coming, only so they can have enough chairs for everyone. So if you think you’ll come, just let them know at 215-345-0980 – the event is free. (And if you need any art supplies, Margaret told me the register will be open)
Bucks Fever Art Exhibit. This exhibit kicks off the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce ‘Bucks Fever’ cultural season. Submission deadline is March 20. The theme for this year’s show is ‘Black & White’ in any medium, and the exhibit itself will run have an Opening Reception Thursday, April 26, 2018 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. at The Bridges at Warwick, 1600 Almshouse Road, Jamison PA 18929. The Exhibition continues through May 10, 2018, 11am – 5pm (daily), 10am – 3pm (weekends).
Admission to the event: FREE. Information: 215-348-3913. All info is at http://centralbuckschamber.com/bucksfever/byersart.cfm
Tagged: Becca Klein ,
bucks county illustrators society ,
cabrini university ,
Christina Wannachaiwong ,
Dan Fione ,
deb hoeffner ,
gil cohen ,
glenn zimmer ,
illustration ,
illustration exhibit ,
illustrators ,
James Bennett ,
jeanne komp ,
Joe DeVito ,
joe kulka ,
kathryn maxwell ,
kim kurki ,
Marie Thresher ,
monika hinterwaldner ,
nicholas jacques ,
Pam Convery-Hamilton ,
pat achilles ,
Piya Wannachaiwong ,
rebecca rhodin ,
rich harrington